news blog

news blog

The news blog on this site is only in Dutch, as our members are mainly from the Netherlands and the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. You can still follow and comment, just use Google Translate at the bottom of any article to get an idea – however horribly translated – of what the articles are about. We absolutely welcome your comments as it contributes to a lively blog. You can do so in English if you don’t master Dutch. Most members have at least basic knowledge of English, or else Google Translate can help again.

If you wish to place an article, you need to be logged in as a member or as an associate member. You can request your associate membership if you own or crew a Nicholson yacht of any size. Just send a message to the webmaster stating your name, email, name, size and preferably the build number of your Nicholson, and the yacht’s home port.

Thank you for any contributions to the blog!